Cone crusher
A cone crusher is similar in operation to a gyratory crusher, with less steepness in the crushing chamber and more of a parallel zone between crushing zones. A cone crusher breaks rock by squeezing the rock between an eccentrically gyrating spindle, which is covered by a wear resistant mantle, and the enclosing concave hopper, covered by a manganese concave or a bowl liner. As rock enters the top of the cone crusher, it becomes wedged and squeezed between the mantle and the bowl liner or concave. Large pieces of ore are broken once, and then fall to a lower position (because they are now smaller) where they are broken again. This process continues until the pieces are small enough to fall through the narrow opening at the bottom of the crusher.
A cone crusher is suitable for crushing a variety of mid-hard and above mid-hard ores and rocks. It has the advantage of reliable construction, high productivity, easy adjustment and less cost in operation. The spring release system of a cone crusher acts an overload protection that allows tramp to pass through the crushing chamber without damage to the crusher.
Features Of Hydraulic Cone Crusher:
1. Three kinds of hydraulic protecting parts (protecting oilcan, locking oilcan and hydraulic driving oilcan) not only protect the machinery, but also can deal with troubles without disassembly the parts.
2. Easy operation, reliable performance and can adjust the finished products sizes automatically;
3. The crushing chamber is specially designed according to particles-layer- pressure principle. The special chamber and the suitable rotary speed improve crushing ratio and capacity, so does the cubic product percentage.
4. If something abnormal happens, such as iron is feed into the crushing chamber or there is a jam in the chamber, the machine will lift up the cover and discharging the materials automatically. This eliminates the trouble of stopping the machine to discharge the material by workers, so the maintenance is easier, the cost is lower than spring cone crusher.
5. The Hydraulic Cone Crusher is adjusted by hydraulic device and lubricated by diluted oil. The labyrinth seal eliminates the defect of mixture between water and oil in the traditional spring cone crusher.
6. The mantle and bowl liner are made by high manganese steel. The special design of crushing chamber and particles-layer- pressure protection can decrease the abrasion, make the service time 30%-80% longer than traditional cone crusher.