(1) without even sieve-plate impact breaker (impact crusher )
(2) take even sieve-plate impact crusher. This crusher machine can control the product, so big particle size, narrow particle size distribution range of products, product size evener. This expression due to sieve grading and broken plays a big role of particles.
(3) single reversible impact crusher (back rotor broken). The rotor can reverse, positive rotation feeding port in the body, decorate in the upper part, crushing cavity symmetrical arrangement of two back plate, double rotor counterattack crusher is the following 3 kinds.
A. two double rotor rotating rotor whetherisolated counterattacking crusher. Equivalent to two half rotor counter series crusher, big crushing ratio, particle size uniform, great capacity of production, but higher consumption. But as the coarse and fine machinery, use. This crusher can reduce the broken plate number, simplify the production process.
B. two rotor counter-rotating dual-rotor counterattack crusher. Equivalent to two single rotor counterattack crusher parallel, great capacity of production, can break a large materials, as large and medium crusher.
C. both rotor opposite the counter-rotating dual-rotor counterattack crusher. Main USES two rotor relative materials from the ejecta crush crash, so big crushing ratio, metal wear less.