Primary gold typically occurs in quartz veins. The extraction of gold ore from these hard quartz veins was historically referred to as quartz reef mining.
A Prussian engineer, Jacob Brache was the first to think that quartz reefs might have even more gold than alluvial fields.
The new mining companies had to sink very deep shafts to get quartz from the reefs deep underground. Horizontal tunnels called drives were dug out from the shaft at different levels to find the gold-bearing rock.
All rock dug out had to be hoisted to the surface. So did lots of water and even the workers at the end of the day. Big engines were installed to hoist lifts and buckets up the shafts.
On the surface above the shaft stands a building known as the poppet head or pit head. The poppet head contained a wheel called a gin wheel which lifted buckets of rock up to a raised platform called a Brace. Wheeled buckets then carried the rock along elevated tracks to waste dumps or processing works. The steel cable that hoisted the bucket passed over the gin wheel.
Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth's continental crust, after feldspar. It is made up of a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall formula SiO2.
There are many different varieties of quartz, several of which are semi-precious gemstones. Especially in Europe and the Middle East, varieties of quartz have been since antiquity the most commonly used minerals in the making of jewelry and hardstone carvings.
The gold was brought to the surface as small particles embedded in lumps of quartz. The quartz was then crushed into a fine dust by stamping batteries in a stamping mill. A stamping battery contained a row of stampers. On the bottom of each stamper was a heavy piece of steel. Each stamper was connected to the cam shaft which was turned by a water wheel. The steel shoes went up and down between wooden guides and pounded the quartz which had been fed into steel boxes underneath the stampers. Ideally the stamping batteries would work 24 hours a day.
After crushing, the quartz dust was mixed with water to make sloppy mud which then ran down sloping tables, called concentrating tables. On top of these tables were copper sheets coated with mercury, which attracts gold. The gold particles stuck to the mercury, and could be collected from there.
Crushing and grinding process is essential process in quartz sand, glass and ceramics production line. crushers
In crushing process, we use jaw crusher, impact crusher, cone crusher, vsi crusher and mobile crusher as quartz stone crusher machine. These crushers and belt conveyor, vibrating screen, vibrating feeder form a complete quartz crushing plant. Of course, glass crusher and ceramics crusher have differences. Natural Marbles are crushed into smaller ones in crushing process.
Crushed quartzs are grinded into powder in grinding process using quartz grinding mill. Ball mill, vertical mill,ultrafine mill is usually used in this process. These quartz grinding machines can form a complete grinding process. The finished size can upto 2500 mesh.